So many things happened this July. And I’d tell you but reliving nightmares is not my bag. Please allow me to leapfrog over July and straight into August.
By the first of August, Bob had developed a systemic infection that attacked him on all fronts. He ended up with a brutal case of pneumonia. It took three different doses of antibiotics to kick the crud out of him. He’s now recovering from that bout and he’s super weak. But his mood is great. He has found new energy from a cane I got him. He loves that cane. It gives him balance and a sense of independence. He feels victorious.
On the writing front, my memoir The Heartbreak of Time Travel is in the final stages of publication but also available for pre-order.
"Heartbreak" is an episodic tale slotted as autobiographical fiction and memoir.
You can pre-order it now in eBook on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Just remember that the book will not be in your Kindle, Nook or other e-reader until November 17, 2024 on its release date.
"The story left me with the clear understanding that the afflicted one is only part of the equation in prolonged, debilitating illness. It gave me a glimpse of an ultimate pressure test on the vows - when one is faced with making good on the nuptial fine print "in sickness and in health" so perfunctorily pledged when all is well. It makes me think of that line between duty and devotion and how one could be forgiven for, at times, questioning their own conviction." ~DC, Beta Reader
"A masterful job of capturing the feelings of caregiving a loved one with a foregone hopeless outcome." ~IO, Beta Reader
"One thing about Susan Wingate's writing that consistently strikes me is its love. Between the characters, certainly, but more so it's her love that comes across to me. For the characters, the stories, and the deep love she carries just as a person. And her joy in the telling. The way she keeps up with it while dealing with some really difficult personal circumstances flummoxes me." ~MW, Beta Reader
“I love the way the piece bounces from thought to thought. It reminds me of how the brain works through stress and troubled times.” ~MA, Beta Reader
As for hope and happiness. Well, I keep looking toward the Fruit of the Spirit. Galatians 5:22…
The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such there is no law.
Hallelujah to that.
But there’s also this little gem…
If God is for me, who can be against me? -Romans 8:31
God bless you all. ~Susan (aka Aja Mie)